Tuesday 3 May 2011


It must be a middle age thing. I'm developing a growing frustration every time I see French names misspelled.

So this post is for any English speaker who attempts to write about Font.

Copy/paste the spelling below whenever you need it (Select the text with your mouse and use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to insert the name in your word file/blog/facebook/twitter or whatever support you are using:


Or in lower caps :


And if you really, really, really, really, really, really cannot be arsed, then (by all means) stick to the usual English spelling - use "Font".It's perfectly fine. Everyone knows it and this way, you won't be polluting the Internet.

Finally, for those who don't understand texts that don't contain smiley punctuation, I want to stress that the tone of this post is not angry. The aim of this post is  to help you, genuinely.